A Mentorship engineered and designed to speed up your execution and 
amplify your results no matter where your photography interests lie. 

  • ​Unlimited Access to all of our current and future courses (Value = $4997+)
  • ​Unlimited Access to photography mentors to answer your questions (Priceless)
  • ​Facebook Access to Exclusive Group with other (Value = $997)
  • ​1 Credit added each month for use for claiming a Lightroom Preset pack 
  • Monthly behind the scenes videos on photo shoots with commentary ($497)
  • BONUS: Lock in yearly discount of only $470 year for life (Increasing to $997 soon)
  • ​ BONUS: Early Bird VIP Access to In-Person Workshops
WARNING: This Is Not Your Typical Membership Community.
The Photo Mentorship is where you get direct access to me and my team in an exclusive group that is built for you to get results!

Content Designed For Learning
David and his team of photography experts develop courses and learning material in a way that gets you the results you're looking for in a fraction of the time. 20,000+ students can't be wrong!
Live In Person Sessions
As easy as it is to create a community behind a computer screen, we value that in-person time! That's why there are meet ups, workshops and conferences designed to connect with our members in person.
Committed Community
Over 1,400 people have already committed to grow as photographers. We nurture your growth in creative ways to keep learning FUN. This includes monthly contests and challenges to get you shooting!
Photography Mentors
David has hand picked some of the best photographers and editors in the industry to bring additional value to the table. 
On Location Shoots
There's something about shadowing a photographer and watching how they work. It's like learning a new language when you're dropped into that culture. We do that with our "How I Got the Shot" episodes. 
Access = Accelerated Growth
Content alone is often not enough to accelerate learning. That's why we're putting photography experts at your fingertips. Ask questions about upcoming shoots, photo critiques, or anything that you need help with and get answers in real time!
The Photo Mentorship Annual Plan FAQs...
Annual Plan Offer
Expiring Sept 4th at Midnight!
Important Question Aspiring Photographer
What’s the ONLY difference between the photographer who has breathtaking images 
and one who doesn’t? 
Every day, with camera in hand, THOUSANDS of photographers capture incredible images, make confident edits in Lightroom and Photoshop and are well on their way to booking their first clients (that’s if they haven’t already made some bookings!) 

And whether you’re a brand new photographer or one who hasn’t yet got the results you desire and deserve, your future success rests heavily on your answer to that question. 

If you know WITHOUT a doubt that your photography skills aren’t where you want them to be yet….


You’ve spent too many hours chasing down blog posts and YouTube videos trying to find the answers to your photography questions...


You’re ready for expert help and advice that pushes you to your full potential as a photographer….

Then Keep Reading...
Because what follows could EASILY be the most pivotal moment when you look back a few weeks from now and realize that your photos are 10X better than 99% of those you see on Instagram 

But First
If you guessed the answer to that question involves dropping a bundle on a brand new Canon EOS 5D Mark IV or a Nikon D850, you’d be wrong. 

And if you guessed that you can fix your photography shortcomings by

...paying thousands in airfare and hotel for an exclusive photography workshop

...enrolling in an eye-watering expensive photography degree program

...or spending countless hours watching YouTube videos to figure out Photoshop and Lightroom on your own

You’d still be terribly wrong. 

‘Cause here’s the deal.

All these things have their place…

They’re only a small part of the equation. 

Unless you’ve ENGINEERED your photography skills for rapid progress….

The degree of frustration you feel with yourself makes you feel like you’ll be forever stuck at ‘just ok.’

...and at worst has you ready to list your camera and gear on Craigslist. 

You’ve Reached a Photography Crisis
There has never been more photography information at your disposal than ever before (there are over 10 BILLION results in Google for ‘photography.’

Heck, an inventory of the most popular photography programs turn up millions of students. 

Millions of light-stalking, bokeh craving, get-up-early-for the golden hour photographers just like you. 

Yet how many of these photographers make us feel the EMOTION they felt when they pressed the shutter? 

Like this perfect example from one of our students Glorian Newton...
So it’s obvious that lack of resources isn’t really the problem, it’s to know how to execute on what you’ve learned! 

And it’s not because most of these photography trainings are wrong on ineffective. 

It’s that they’re…


You see…

While you’ve been telling yourself that all you need to succeed is a better camera or lens…

What’s really missing is one thing: 

A mentor. 

Y’know the person…

...that’s always there when you have a question that you can’t find the answer on your own

...that won’t hold back when you ask them to critique your photo (because constructive criticism is how you grow as a photographer)

...that tells you from years of experience exactly what to do when you have no other choice but to shoot in harsh midday light. 

Without a mentor…

You stay stuck posting mediocre pics that your friends politely like on Facebook.

Or you go into full-blown panic mode when your best friend asks you to take a few photos of her family...because you’re really not sure how to pose anyone or edit afterwards. 

Or the most gorgeous sunset is happening right before your eyes. But you're unsure of what to do (so you fiddle with your settings and lenses until that amazing apricot sky disappears over the horizon.)

Why ‘Studying Photography’ Hasn’t Produced the Results You Crave
Improving your photography skills should be an exciting time for you. 

After putting in hours learning on your own (and investing more than a few of your hard-earned dollars on equipment)...

You’ve EARNED the right to recognition as a photographer as much as anyone else. 

To see people sharing and commenting on your photos.

To see your clients photo printed and hanging on the wall in your client’s living room. 

To get the thrill of the first time you’re asked to do a paid shoot. 

With All of Your Effort and Commitment, Isn’t It Time You Got Some Payoff?
With the amount of time, effort and money you’ve invested in your photography skills, it’s time you got some payoff

You deserve to know EXACTLY the steps you need to take (and the right order to take them in.) 

You deserve to get the social media recognition you crave - because your photos are just that GOOD. 

You deserve to see improvement in your photos to the point it busts through every shred of self-doubt you have right now. 

In a moment, I’m going to show you how to FINALLY tip the scales back in your favor. 

But first, a few key things to wrap your mind around. 

The Secret to Taking the Photos You Can’t Believe Came Out of YOUR Camera
First of all, you don’t need an expensive degree in Photography to get the results you’re after. 

You don’t need to run out and upgrade your camera or lenses right now, either. 

At this point, you know what you want. 

You’re not a rank beginner anymore - and you’re ripe for some victories. 

To see YOUR photo featured on that big Facebook or Instagram page. 

To know how to make your photo ‘pixel perfect’ before your send it off to the printers. 

To have people love your work and ask how they can hire you for their upcoming special event.

Your great big audacious dream of turning your photography into a side-hustle (or maybe even more) to come true. 

Still, there are some common reasons I see over and over again for people not getting the results they desire.

Reason #1 - You’re Overwhelmed and Distracted by Information Overload
Let me guess. 

You started down the road to master photography with a full tank of motivation and a shiny new camera. 

But 5837 photos and a tired shutter finger later…

You still haven’t come that far. 

You’re lost in all the things....all at once. 

...What kind of photography should I pursue, landscapes or portraits?

...Full frame or crop sensor?

...Lightroom Presets or edits from scratch? Do I have the right lenses? Am I using the right camera settings?

What about advanced editing in Photoshop (or is Lightroom enough?) Am I posing people to their best advantage? How do I control harsh midday light when there is no other choice but to shoot then? 

All. The. Things. 

What you need to know is the right order to tackle these questions to keep focused and disciplined when it counts. 

Reason #2 - You Spend Too Much Time Trying to Find the Info You REALLY Need
Your photography reading list resembles the length of ‘War and Peace'. 

But it’s not even the volume of material to go through that’s driving you crazy. It’s all the contradictory information you come across. 

You’re confused to the point that photography isn’t much fun anymore. 

What you need:

Clear, concise video training that breaks down what you need to know into bite-sized chunks that are manageable. 

Everything in one place so you don’t have to search the Internet for hours trying to find what you need to know. 

Training you can take immediate action on. No more trying to visualize from the written word alone. 

Reason #3 - Your Approach to Photography Training is Spotty at Best
You’re all in, and you shoot every day.
Until you don’t shoot at all - for weeks at-a-time. 

Then it feels like you’re starting over every time you pick up your camera. 

You’ve patched together training from so many different sources, you can’t remember where you learned anything. Worse yet, a lot of it doesn’t make sense to you and there is no one you can ask for help. 

And you wonder why you don’t get consistent results? 

I’m going to come right out and say it. 

You haven’t completely nailed the fundamentals of photography and editing.

What you need to know:

It’s not your job to seek advice from every photography guru under the sun. 

It is your job to find the right training that takes you in a straight line from the fundamentals through mastery without any gaps. 

And that means you finally have a complete roadmap to confidently follow for success. 
Hi I'm David Molnar, Your Photography Mentor!
I’m a celebrity and advertising photographer, believer and family man.
My work has been seen on millions of Pepsi cans, in People Magazine, on American Idol, and in The New York Times.
My clients include Google, Pepsi, & Sony among many other big names. 
My mission is to help tens of thousands of photographers pursue THEIR dreams by creating world-class photo education, inspiration & resources. 

In fact, my goal is to create the most helpful photography education company in the world. 
And I’d say from the kind words from my students, 
that I’m well on my way to achieve that goal:

“Opening my new business was a direct result of learning to shoot in manual mode and having others comment on how they were noticing the advancement in the photography that I was sharing on social media.”
— Michelle Hass
"I've already got 2 weddings booked for 2019 (they're both family, but it still counts for the portfolio) . . . I also won a few awards on one of the photography sites I'm on."
— Penny Rogers
“I truly enjoyed David’s course. I am strictly amateur but have always wanted to learn to use my camera in full manual mode. I have played around with it for years but nothing ever ‘stuck’. I’d get a general understanding of aperture and shutter speed and how they’d work together, but by the next time I used my camera it would all be ‘gone’! David has a way of explaining things that really stuck with me.”

— Heather Post
“I have truly enjoyed trying out and using the presets I have received so far.” 

— Connie Raynor
"Not just saying it, but at the age of 55 I’ve finally picked up something that I love to do and I owe it all to David and his courses."

— Lisa Bronitt
“Having a real person I can ask advice from it pretty epic. Confidence BOOST for sure in my photography.”

— Stacy Cross
Seeing Is Believing
Check Out Some Student Photos!
The Photo Mentorship
The Mentorship is engineered and designed to speed up your execution and amplify your results no matter where your photography interests lie. 

It’s not only for new photographers...but for photographers like YOU who want to take their skillset as far as your imagination lets them go. 

And for a LIMITED get 2 MONTHS FREE with this annual plan.
4 Ways The Mentorship Will Make You a Better Photographer in 2019 (and Beyond)
1. Unlimited Course Access
We know your training needs vary from day-to-day, because photography is not a one-trick pony! So we’re opening up all my training inside the membership. We want to meet you where you are right now - no matter where you decide to start. 
2. Dedicated Learning Tracks
One of the biggest problems with learning photography on your own is not having a clear path to mastery. That’s why The Mentorship has four tracks: Fundamentals, Portraiture, Landscapes and Post Processing. Master one track, then move on to the next with a rock-solid foundation for success in place. 
3. Expert Help
Sometimes you just need to ask someone more experienced the right questions. And that’s exactly why we’re calling this training site The Mentorship. We have a dedicated group of experienced professional photographers to help out with all your questions. Get the answers you really need to grow.
4. Community
No one learns in a vacuum - it’s better to share your successes and failures with friends. That’s why we’ve created a dedicated Facebook group just for members of The Mentorship. Real help from those who have already gone where you want to go. 
So Exactly What Are You Getting With The Mentorship? 
I’m a firm believer in giving my students exactly what they ask for. 

And one of the things that kept coming up over-and-over again was an ‘A - Z’ skill-development roadmap. One with a solid foundation in fundamental skills - learned at the student’s own pace. 

So we decided to take that model and expand on it with courses for Fundamentals, Portraits, Landscapes and Post-Processing. Each course builds on what you learned in the last. 

The Mentorship is your college-level education in photography, without the tuition sticker shock. 

Here are just a few of the courses and products included with your membership. Keep in mind this is only the start of what we’ll offer. 

Here's a Sneak Peek At What You're Getting...
Unlimited Course Access
All current and future courses
Learning Tracks
Choose your path to master!
Access to the One Click Presets Club
Every month, pick a new Lightroom Preset pack of your choice (25+ packs to choose from)!
Dramatic Landscapes Collection
High Fashion Collection
Paradise Landscapes Collection
Airy & Fresh Collection

Window Light Collection
Black & White Collection
Unlimited Access to Photography Experts
Questions about anything related to photography? We've got answers!
And Much...Much...More!!!
Like Exclusive Facebook Groups, Behind the Scenes Episodes, Workshop Access, etc...
Let’s break it all down.
Here's what you're getting in your Annual Plan...
  • ​Unlimited Access to all of our current and future courses (Value = $4997+)
  • ​Unlimited Access to photography mentors to answer your questions (Priceless)
  • ​ Facebook Access to Exclusive Group with other (Value = $997)
  • ​1 Credit added each month for use for claiming a Lightroom Preset pack
  • ​Monthly behind the scenes videos on photo shoots with commentary ($497)
  • ​BONUS: Lock in yearly discount of only $470 year for life (Increasing to $997 soon)
  • ​ BONUS: Early Bird VIP Access to In-Person Workshops
  •  Most importantly, you get a clear path to achieve the results in your photography journey! 
That's over $6941+ worth of goods... for $470!
Here's the deal...
As one of our valued subscribers, we want to reward you by making you a very special offer. 

Membership in The Mentorship would normally run you $997/year (but not for you). 

Because you’ve already on the email list, I’d like to knock off two months for you.

That’s right, you’ll only pay $470 for a FULL YEAR if you enroll now. We’ll lock you in at that price - cancel anytime without penalty. 

And you’ll be grandfathered into The Mentorship, making your membership even more valuable as new courses and Lightroom presets are added in the future. 

What If I Ever Want to Cancel?
Cancel anytime and all of your past presets you've purchased you will keep forever. Please note that $470 per year is the cheapest this will ever be. If you cancel and try to re-join, the fee will be higher to future members.
Still Undecided? 
You’re ready for The Mentorship if…
1. You’re the person who’s just getting started in photography, and want to make sure you get it right straight out of the gate by having unlimited access to all of our training courses and expert help. It’s reassuring to know that you’ll have all the resources you need to keep growing your photography skill set, this year and in the years to come. 

2. You’ve been struggling to find the resources you need, and are thrilled to you know everything you need is under one roof at The Mentorship.

3. You’ve already made a commitment to yourself to advance your photography skills, by investing in the most complete training package you could find. The dedicated learning tracks inside The Mentorship give you clear paths to follow, for maximum results in the minimum amount of time.

4. You’re ready to put in the work to perfect your craft, because photography is much more than pointing a camera at a subject and pressing the shutter button

5. You’re already actively involved in photography education, reading blog posts, contributing to photography groups, asking questions, watching videos and soaking up all the knowledge you possibly can. Only problem is, without a clear strategy that ties all these things together, you’ve experienced crippling overwhelm around what to do next. 

6. You care about continuing to grow as a photographer over the next year and beyond, and thrilled that we’ll be constantly adding new training and new experts to The Mentorship to help you on every stage of your photography journey

7. You’re aware of all the doors that can open up to you when you’ve mastered your camera settings, the finer points of landscape and portrait photography and developed ninja-level post-processing skills in Lightroom and Photoshop. Can you develop your skills to the point you turn pro? Let’s say your ambition is your only limit. 

8. You’re excited about the expert help available inside The Mentorship. If you’ve found yourself side-tracked before now because you can’t find the answers you need, having access to detailed expert advice will be a complete game changer for you. 

9. You feel confident grabbing your login knowing you have 60 Days to test out The Mentorship: It’s simple. Either you do the work and experience more growth in the next 60 days than you have in your ENTIRE photography journey… or you shoot me and my team a quick message asking us to hit undo on this whole “let’s grow your photography skill set fast” experiment.

If you found yourself nodding your head to at least 6 of the 9 points above, then I absolutely CANNOT wait to meet you inside The Mentorship! 

I’d hate to be a downer, but… 8 out of every 10 photographers reading this, will “think about it”, forget they have this page open along with a ton of other tabs, and then convince themselves that the status quo is A-OK as they let the countdown timer hit zero.

Here are 4 Ways They’ll Continue to Undervalue Their Time, Struggle, With Overwhelm, & Let Their Dreams Slip Away: 

1. With total disregard for the value of their own time (everyone’s time is worth something, no?) They’ll waste dozens if not hundreds of hours over the next few months trying to patch together a list of blog posts and random YouTube videos to get the results they’re after. Total loss: Hours of their life they could have spent with their families, out shooting in the sunshine or advancing their skills to the point of getting paid gigs. 

2. They’ll get discouraged from the poor results their scattershot strategy is producing, and in a fit of desperation, throw thousands of dollars at a new camera or other gear they really don’t need to get the results they’re after. 

3. They’ll be right where they started 3 months from now instead of seeing a remarkable transformation in their photos. 

Let’s Not Even Go There! 

The only thing you risk right now is spending another second without a strategic plan to master photography. One that leverages all expert help and strategies, and takes you by the hand to master photography skills with total confidence and precision. 

If you’re ready to wake up tomorrow and start… 

-> Taking full manual control over your camera once and for all

-> Leveraging the expert help so you shoot and edit with total confidence. 

-> Skipping the confusion and overwhelm by following the tracks laid out to maximize your progress

Then I can’t wait to meet you inside The Mentorship! 

All Rights Reserved | David Molnar Photography LLC ® | 2019 Terms Of Service